Medical Library News
Perry and Potters, Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition - 2023
IV Compatibility
Lippincott Nursing Procedures -
Clinical Nursing Skills Procedures
Perry and Potters'
AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice (2024 Edition)
Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements: development, interpretation, and application (One user license - use SMH Network ID if prompted)
(If you have a resource that you would like to be placed in this section for quicker access - please click here to submit your request.)

ClinicalKey - Clinical Key is a point-of-care clinical information service. It provides access to a unique combination of medical reference books, medical journals, drug information, and practice guidelines.
CINAHL - Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature - search Evidence Based Practice Nursing Literature.
Cochrane - Database of Systematic Reviews
DynaMedex - Point of Care Tool - comprehensive bullet points of treatment options, in-depth drug information, and advanced search capabilities of Micromedex
MICROMEDEX - Evidence-based clinical reference consists of a set of clinical decision support knowledge bases, including NeoFax Pediatrics, DRUGDEX, MARTINDALE, REPRORISK, POISINDEX, and RED BOOK Online.
Ovid Medline - Advanced Literature Searching access to databases such as EmCare, and Medline.
PubMed - Literature searching access that links to Sarasota's holdings in PubMed - full-text available.
STAT!Ref - Full-text searchable medical books.
TRIP Database - clinical research evidence
Natural Medicines - Clinical data on natural medicines, herbal medicines, and dietary supplements used in the Western world is compiled by pharmacists and physicians.
UpToDate - UpToDate is an evidence-based point-of-care resource authored by physicians.
How do I login to the digital library? 
When you use the search bar located on the top of the SMHCS Medical Library's homepage, you will be prompted to login in order to obtain full text access to journals. The procedure is the same if you wish to enter into a subscription database.
When you are prompted with login options, which will occur after you select a database or enter a search term and execute the top search bar - you will need to select one of two pathways.
1. Select "SMH Network" if you are an SMHCS employee.
2. Select "OpenAthens" if you are affilated with SMHCS but do not have SMHCS Network credentials.
If you are accessing a resource directly through a publisher's website without going through the SMHCS Medical Library's digital library, look for "Institutional Login" (wording many vary), and type in "Sarasota Memorial Health Care System from the institution list, select and log in using either your SMHCS or OpenAthens credentials.
How do I use the search bar? 
Below you will find simple steps that will guide you towards success in your efforts to use the digital library search bar located on the top of this page. Please do not hesitate to email the Medical Library for assistance with any element of your research needs.
I need to find a known citation
Click in the search bar located on the top of this page
Type or drop the title of your article into the search bar
Click on "Conduct Literature Search" until it appears blue
Locate your title and either click; 1. the "PDF Full Text" icon for full-text or 2. click on the "Fulltext Finder" to be directed to a subscription database or 3. click on Request from "SMH Medical Library", enter your name and hit "Submit"
I need assistance searching
Email your request to:
Please note: similar to any academic institution's digital library, you will need an OpenAthens account to access SMH subscription resources from off-campus.

Clinical Librarian:Yvonne N. Boudreau, MLIS, MS, AHIP, Manager, SMHCS Medical Library
Contact: SMH Medical Library email is:
Hours: All SMHCS Team Members may enter the Medical Library 24 hours a day by swiping their ID Badge at the entrance door.
Sarasota Memorial Hospital
Waldemere Tower, 3rd Floor
1700 South Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34239

Food, Drink: The Medical Library is a designated space where you are not only able to recharge the mind, but also able to refuel the body! So, bring your coffee and your lunch but please keep your work space super clean.
Cell Phone Usage: Work-associated cell phone usage is welcomed. Please be courteous.
Visitor Policy: Please visit this webpage to view the SMHCS visitor policy.
Please email: for inquiries or assistance.
Sarasota Memorial Hospital
3rd Floor Waldemere Tower
The Medical Library is SMH employee badge accessible 24 hours a day